
Letter for Nobusan from PHL

Dear Nobuaki-san. Thank you very much for the fun & interesting tour that we enjoyed today. It was a special day for Sonya and I. Please relax tonight with your Asahi  🍺🍺🍺🍺 and 🍜🍜🍜. 😂😂😂😂


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Thank you very much for your kind feedback. I am happy to hear that both of you enjoyed my guide. Fortunately, there are no traffics, we could visit more places than I thought today! Kyoto has many good places to see. I hope I will be able to show them next time. Please give my best regards to her.


Best Regards,

Nobuaki Nagata


Tour course: Bamboo Forest, Tenryuji-Temple, Togetsukyo-Bridge, Kinkakuji-Temple, Nijo Castle, Kiyomizu-dera-Temple, Sanjusangendo-Temple, Chishakuin-Temple, Fushimi Inari Shirine