Letter · 2024/07/15
Thank you for your great tour. We enjoyed our tour a lot. I will contact you again when we come to Kyoto. *** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for having used me for your tour. I hope you enjoyed my guide. You and your wife is very knowledgeable and friendly, your children are also very polite and cute. I also enjoyed our tour a lot. Kyoto has many good 0ff-the-beaten tracks. I hope I will be able to show you these places next time. Please give my best regards to your family. Sincerely...
Letter · 2024/07/12
Thank you for a wonderful tour. We will definitely recommend you to our friends who are planning future trips to Kyoto. *** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for having used me for your tour. I hope you enjoyed my guide. You and your husband are very knowledgeable and your tow sons are very friendly. I also enjoyed our tour a lot. We visited most important places this time. Kyoto has many good off-the -beaten track places. I hope I will be able to show you these places next time. Please give...

レター · 2024/07/07
今年の梅雨入りは例年よりも遅くなりました。 それでも梅雨明けは例年並みの予想で、京都では祇園祭りの山鉾巡礼(7月17日)の時期となる模様です。 相変わらずの猛暑が続きとなりますが、日陰での休憩や水分補給もしながら無理のない京都観光をお楽しみください。 Nobusanこと 永 田 信 明 *********************** 2024 Summer Greetings. This year's rainy season has started later than usual....
Letter · 2024/07/01
Thank you! You gave us an excellent view of Kyoto and more. *** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for having used me for your tour. You are very polite and friendly. I also enjoyed our tour a lot. You will stay in Kyoto tomorrow. If you have something to know more, feel free to ask me. Please give my best regards to your family. *** **** * *** * *** 永田様 本日は誠にありがとうございました。皆さん大変喜んでいました。...

Letter · 2024/06/29
Thank you Nobu-san for a wonderful tour. You were a joy to travel around Kyoto with! We learned so much today! My family thanks you as well. We'll be sure to request your guidance for our next trip in the future! Arigato gozaimasu!☺️ *** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for having used me for your tour. All of you are very knowledgeable, polite and friendly. I showed you some of important places today. Kyoto has many good off-the-beaten tracks. I hope I will be able to show you these...
Letter · 2024/06/28
Thank you. We had a great time either way you and saw so much. We also enjoyed the maiko dance at the Hyatt. Leaving for Nara now. *** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for having used me for your tour. I hope you enjoyed my guide. All of you are very knowledgeable and friendly. I also enjoyed our tour a lot. You will stay in Kyoto two more days. If you want to know something, please feel free to let me know. Please give my best regards to your husband and your children. Nobu Nagata Tour...

Letter · 2024/06/26
Dear Nagata san, Great to hear you enjoyed taking them around. My boss and his son very much enjoyed your tour as well. If it’s ok with you, I would like to recommend your tour to other friends who may visit Kyoto in future. Best regards, *** **** * *** * *** Thank you for letting me know they enjoyed my guide very much. The reviews that I received from you motivate me! I really appreciate you recommending other friends to me. I am sure I do my best to live up to your expectations. Nobu...
Story · 2024/06/24
臨済宗妙心寺の塔頭龍安寺。山門をくぐると、池泉回遊式庭園の中心にある鏡容池。 夏の朝の静かな水面のあちこちに咲くスイレン。白色・赤・ピンクの花を咲かせます。

レター · 2024/06/21
こちらこそ二日間ご対応いただきまして、誠に有難うございました。 お客様二人共に大変満足されており、私共も嬉しく思っております。 そして私も楽しませていただきました。 引き続きよろしくお願い申し上げます。 ** * *** * *** * *** * 昨日本日と大変お世話になりありがとうございました。...
Letter · 2024/06/18
Thank you so much. You have been very kind. We really appreciate your guidance in osaka *** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for having used me for your tour. All of you are very knowledgeable, polite and friendly. I guided you Osaka this time. As you know, I am Kyoto local. I hope I will be able to show you my town next time. Please give my best regards to your family. Tour course:Osaka Castle, Shinsekai, Kuromon Market, Shinsaibashi, Namba Yasaka Shrine

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