【関西エリア お奨めのよきもの】 by Nobusan
Kyoto and Nara are the capital of Japan with a history of about 1200 years.
The skills of artisans cultivated in elegant culture and customs have been handed down as a Japanese tradition.
The item introduced here is one of the selected items recommended in Kansai eria by Nobusan’s Blog.
・Nobusan Blog site for Gift:Recommended gifts introduced on nobusan blog, However, Japanese site.
・Nishijin Textile Center: Mueume is on the third floor and free of charge. It is very interesting for you.
・Konjaku Nishimura: Textile shop but it doesn’t have English website, please ask a hotel staff where it is.
・Misuya: Needle shop, It doesn’t have an English website.
・Nobusan Blog site for Food:Recommended gifts introduced on nobusan blog, However, Japanese site.
大徳寺塔頭大慈院 「精進鉄鉢料理(てっぱちりょうり)・泉仙」
東福寺塔頭天得院 「精進料理・矢尾治」
黄檗宗大本山万萬福寺 「普茶料理(ふちゃりょうり)」
・創作中華 一之船入:当時の面影を残す京町屋で味わう京風創作中華
Mo Tel : +8190-1076-8788 JP:090-1076-8788
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- WEB revision history -
2014-3-1 Homepage "Nobusan KyotoTour" opened!
2015-4-1 Homepage re-vice
2015-6-1 "Tour's Blog with Nobusan" release
2016-9-1 Tripadvisor first post review
2017-5-18 The domain ".kyoto" reg.
2017-10-19 JGA Guide-Interpreter Search reg.
2020-12-12 Homepage re-vice & Blog search engine setting
2025-3-1 Closed the tourist taxi and Specializing in tourist guides
Nobusan Guide by tour's car for Kansai area including Mount Koya & Himeji castle
Mo Tel: +8190-1076-8788
URL: https://www.nagata-kyototour.com/
Mail: nagatakyototour@gmail.com
National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter@Nobusan Copyright(C)